Services Available at KTC


KTC has the capability of producing your part from either an existing die that you supply, or one we build to your specifications. Our largest press can handle up to 400 tons. With a feed capability of 18" wide and material thickness of 1/4".

We also have smaller presses ranging from 5 to 270 tons. Large and small productions "runs" are available to meet your production needs.

KTC can stamp your thinner gauge parts with one of our Aida presses. With variable speed motors, we can fine tune the production of hard to produce parts such as deep draw progressive dies.

With our (2) Vibratory Bowls and (2) Tumblers, we can deburr your parts after manufacturing. Keeping the deburring operation "in house" allows for smooth work flow along with greater inventory control.

  • 10 Cubic Ft. Vibratory bowl with part drying bowl in tandem
  • 20 Cubic Ft. Tumbler
  • 3 Cubic Ft. Tumbler
  • Wheelabrator 3 Cubic Ft. abrasive shot blast machine

Custom Machining & Die Construction

Custom machining is available for a variety of applications. Fixtures, gages, repair parts, tooling, and die repair are also part of our business.

With a talented staff of machinists, KTC also offers superior in-house die construction, conditioning, and maintenance.